Fearful things were happening in my life starting in my 20’s…i.e., a new job, loss of a friendship, and challenges with other friends. I was very anxious about it all. I talked to my mom about it and prayed for Jesus to come into my heart at that time, and then I was pool baptized a few years later.

I still see God moving in my life currently…I was grounded in March for a week and prayed for God to strengthen and carry me through this time; how God saved my Dad from harm in a recent auto accident; how God is helping me lose weight after many years of struggle. All of this caused fear within me….

BUT recently when the Religious Coalition families came to Brook Hill, a little girl made me a card that said FAITH on it. I will always keep it to remind me that I need to “keep the faith” and with Jesus help I will…and I won’t be afraid anymore.

Richard Shutter Jr.