Being touched by the Lord is a wonderful and unforgettable experience. I believe the Holy Spirit reveals itself to us in many different ways, be it through hearing, touch, smell, sight, or taste. Blessed are your eyes for they will see; and your ears, for they hear.  Matthew 13:16

He began to really show his miracles to me in March of 1974. Having been told by my doctor that there was a strong possibility that my son may have cancer of the neck, I was just devastated. For a couple days in deep prayer, I asked for a healing and told the Lord that I would turn my life over to Him if He would just heal my son. Well it didn’t take Him long to call my bluff! I was walking by the den when I heard this beautiful soft voice speaking to me, and I was told to go into the den and turn on the television. Although I did not want to or feel like watching television, I was drawn into the den. Again I was told to turn the television on, which I did. The voice told me to turn the channel and then to keep turning until it got to this channel with a prayer number on it and then the voice said to stop. This channel happened to be the 700 Club, of which I had never heard of before. After praying with a very compassionate counselor, my depression left me immediately and I knew he was healed! I took him back to the doctor and he couldn’t believe it; the growth was gone. I told him that I knew he was healed and the appointment with the cancer specialist was canceled. Praise the Lord! So be still and listen to the word of the Lord! I believe in my heart that this was my sense of hearing from the Holy Spirit.

Kitty Lewis