Stephen Ministry

What is Stephen Ministry?

Everyone has experienced some kind of challenge in life–grief, divorce, financial difficulties, hospitalization, chronic illness, job loss, disabilities, loneliness, a spiritual crisis, or other life struggles. In Galatians 6, Paul tells us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” At Brook Hill, our Stephen Ministers have been trained and organized to do just that. They provide one-to-one care, prayer, and support to those who are going through a difficult time.

Who are Stephen Ministers?

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation with a compassionate heart, who’ve been equipped with the skills to listen, encourage, and offer support when someone is in need. A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and meets with that person once a week for about an hour. Women care for women, and men care for men. In addition to caring for members of the con­gregation, Stephen Ministers can provide care to nonmembers. Stephen Ministers have gone through 50 hours of training to provide high-quality, confidential Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or challenge.

Stephen Ministry History

Since Stephen Ministries was started in 1975 by Dr. Kenneth C. Haugk, more than 600,000 people have received Stephen Minister training. More than 1½ million people have had a Stephen Minister to walk with them, providing one-to-one Christian care during tough times.

Why is it called Stephen Ministry?

In the book of Acts, chapter 6, Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. Since the time of the Apostles, caring ministry has been considered a hallmark of the Christian faith community.

Who should ask about or be referred to Stephen Ministry?

If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders: Randy Golay, Holly Yokum, Ken Michaels, Ron Lindsay, or Pastor Kathy Altman. A Stephen Minister can help by listening, caring, and most importantly, bringing the stability of Jesus’ love and grace into people’s lives. (There is no charge for this ministry. Stephen Ministry is for adults, 18 years and older.)

See the top 10 reasons to become a Stephen Minister and go to Stephen Ministries to hear stories from care receivers.